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Masterclass Series

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."
- Matt 28:19

As part of our evangelisation strategy for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, we have developed a masterclass series to help our young and emerging leaders engage effectively in their parish communities. This is part of our work to raise up a new generation in the life and mission of the Church

As an Archdiocese, we seek to invite all people to discover and develop a relationship with Jesus in the context of His Church.

We affirm that “evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize,… ” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14​)

Our hope is that this Masterclass Series will equip youth and young adult leaders, including Parish Youth Coordinators, to realise the aspirations of this call of evangelisation across our Archdiocesan community.

All the Gospel, to all the world, all the time.

Explore the Masterclass Series

You can access all of the Masterclass Episodes online in a playlist. All you need to do is click the link below. 

Develop a Ministry Vision for the Year

Develop a Calendar Plan for a Year of Ministry

Plan a Term of Ministry

Who are we serving, what is the need of the community, and how do we cast a vision for a year of ministry.
Establish a rhythm and lock in those key events within your year of ministry.
Theme your gatherings, create a leadership strategy and promote a term of ministry.

Working Effectively with Your Parish Priest

How to Manage Social Media

Safety of Children and Vulnerable People

Learn effective ways to communicate and collaborate with your Parish Priests.
Create a social media account that is a Vision Board, that forms and informs and moves with a consistent rhythm for optimum traction.
Create spaces that are welcoming, safe and prepared able to host youth and vulnerable people in our ministry contexts.

eCommunication - Who Needs to Know?

How to Prepare a Testimony

How to Plan a Gathering

Bring your community up to speed with engaging monthly communication that shares our challenges, wins, hopes and upcoming initiatives.
Prayerfully, plan and prepare a personal testimony that is engaging and reveals the love of God in your life.
Gather to plan with your team, map out a run time, and establish roles for a ministry gathering.

Retreat Foundations

How to Build a Parish Youth Team

How to Lead a Small Group Discussion

The who, what, where, why, how, of planning a retreat.
Identify leaders in your community, drawing them into a ministry vision, exemplifying their skills and providing them with clear objectives and expectations.
Prepare for a small group discussion with clear expectations and skills to guide the conversations.

Looking After Wellbeing in Ministry and Life

Set good habits and create healthy boundaries while serving in ministry.

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